Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wiel Tear Sheets: 4x2 Steed Shoot

So its always the case of waiting for things to be published before you can show it off to the world.
I'm glad to finally present a new style of automotive photography which I have begun doing.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I ultimately would like to end up in the advertising market. Where instead of having a range of images for selection in a editorial magazine, you strive to create that one perfect image for an advert or campaign. This new style heralds the beginning of my goal to reach the advertising look & feel. I know it won't happen overnight, nor do I expect it to. For now, practice, practice, practice & a bit more practice is whats going to pay off in the end.

Without further delay, here it is:

1 comment:

Pseudonaja said...

That is a very nice shot. It's so satisfying to be walking in PicknPay with a buddy looking for braai meat and by the till go:

"Hey check this out."
*open magazine*
"See this? Friend of mine took this."

Followed by many wow's and cool's...